What are immediate implants after extraction? Instant tooth implant Techniques

Implant immediately after extraction is that tooth extraction and Implant placement will take place at the same time of surgery. After completing the tooth removal operation, the doctor will place the appropriate-sized Implant cylinder.

What are immediate implants after extraction?
What are immediate implants after extraction?

When are dental implants necessary? 

Implant implants should only be performed when you have lost your teeth, be it 1 tooth, multiple consecutive teeth, or a complete loss of teeth. Here are some notes when deciding to implant Implant teeth.

  •  immediate Implant after extraction to preserve the jawbone
  • Long-term tooth extraction causes jaw-bone digestion
  • Cases of accidental tooth loss, tooth decay, or periodontitis.
  • Loss of adjacent teeth or complete loss of teeth should be implanted.

Is it possible to get an immediate implant after extraction?

Implanting Implant teeth after tooth extraction is really necessary, however, how long the tooth extraction is, the Implant implant is still up to each specific case of each person whose Implant transplant solution is different at the time of treatment.

Implant implants can be performed immediately during tooth removal surgery. After completely removing the root from the jawbone, it will form a gap. This time for Implanting the doctor will conduct a forming drill and place in the jawbone an artificial root shaft, also known as the Titanium.

Performing an Implant tooth transplant right after tooth extraction requires a high level of doctor’s expertise. Dentists will based on detailed assessments of tooth condition, General health designates tooth planting to ensure absolute safety for the sick.

Is it possible to get an immediate implant after extraction?
Is it possible to get an immediate implant after extraction?

Learn the technique of instant implant

Instant Implant is a technique that combines tooth extraction and Implant at the same time of surgery. At that time, the doctor will proceed to extract the damaged tooth, this is the most suitable time to plant the tooth because the jaw bone is not damaged. At the same time, the bone cells will quickly integrate with the Implant.

This method is performed by placing the Implant post into the jawbone – acting as an artificial tooth root. Then wait a while for the Implant post to stabilize and integrate, which will restore the porcelain teeth to the top through the Abutment joint.

What benefits of immediate implant placement?

The advantage of this method is that with the same use of local anesthetic, you will both extract and implant the tooth root, which is very convenient, reducing pain when only having to operate once. In addition, the extracted tooth root is immediately replaced with an artificial root, so there will be less bone loss, less treatment time, and less tissue trauma.

  • Reduce the number of surgeries, and reduce anxiety when treating patients.
  • Better preservation of jaw bone and soft tissue, avoiding jawbone loss.
  • Avoid gingival incision surgery. Instead, the doctor will use the tooth extraction hole to implant the Implant.
What benefits of immediate implant placement?
What benefits of immediate implant placement?

Considerations for immediate implant after extraction?

  • Due to the difference in size between real teeth and implant teeth, you will have to add bone grafts, and collagen membranes to support healing. 
  • The initial stability of the implants is poor, only performed when the extracted root is not too large, and the remaining bone is still enough to achieve implant tightening in the jawbone.
  • The method of implanting immediately after tooth extraction brings more complications than waiting for the tooth to heal.
  • Unpredictable bone loss, soft tissue loss, gum recession after implant.
  • Instant implantation after extraction is based on indications by professional criteria and cannot be performed according to the patient’s wishes.

Who is suitable for the immediate implant after extraction?

Despite the many benefits, not everyone can implant immediately after extraction. It takes some basic dental health conditions to perform this technique. Specifically, patients can Implant immediately after extraction if there is no infection, and the condition of the jawbone and soft tissue is still good. In addition, the patient must have good oral health.

  • The jaw bone density is good, not too sparse. HU index between 350 – 1250 is eligible for immediate implant after extraction.
  • Stable health, not in the cases of contraindications to Implant: People with chronic diseases, pregnant women, and children under 18 years old. 
  • Non-smokers. If you want to have a dental implant, you must give up smoking for a few months before and after the immediate implant.

To ensure safety, when performing an immediate Implant, the patient needs to choose a reputable dentist and qualified doctors. Because this is a modern and complicated technique, if the doctor does not have much experience, knowledge will easily lead to failure.

Who is suitable for the immediate implant after extraction?
Who is suitable for the immediate implant after extraction?
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