Who Need Orthodontics

No one will deny the importance of a winning smile. It makes a pleasing appearance, promotes self-esteem, and is valuable to social and career success. Creating a beatiful smile is what orthodontics is all about. Orthodontics treatment is simple, convenient, and affordable allowing individuals from childhood through adulthood to reap its benefits. Orthodontics is important not only to a great smile and improved self confidence, but to better dental health. Teeth in correct alignment are easier to clean so they are more resistant to decay and less susceptible to gum disease. Alignment may also prevent teeth and jaw discomforts that can come from uneven wear. Braces fit easily into today’s active life styles. They’re comfortable, easy to keep clean, and less visible than in the past. New techniques and materials can extend the period between appointments saving time and expense.

    Common Problems

    Teeth maybe aligned poorly because the dental arch is small and/or the teeth are large. The bone and gums over the roots of extremely crowded teeth may become thin and recede as a result of severe crowding. Impacted teeth (teeth that should have come in, but have not), poor biting relationships and undesirable appearance may all result from crowding.

    Teeth maybe aligned poorly because the dental arch is small and/or the teeth are large. The bone and gums over the roots of extremely crowded teeth may become thin and recede as a result of severe crowding. Impacted teeth (teeth that should have come in, but have not), poor biting relationships and undesirable appearance may all result from crowding.

    Hiện tượng hô răng cả hai hàm là tình trạng lệch lạc răng hàm mặt khá phổ biến ở người Châu Á. Kiểu lệch lạc răng này mang lại thẩm mỹ mặt và thẩm mỹ nụ cười rất kém, đi kèm với tình trạng răng cửa 2 hàm nhô ra trước, môi rất hô và không ngậm, khép môi bình thường tự nhiên được, cười hở nướu(lợi) nhiều, cơ cằm căng cứng thiếu tự nhiên. Tình trạng hô hai hàm có thể được điều trị khỏi hoàn toàn, mang lại thẩm mỹ răng, mặt đẹp hài hòa tự nhiên bằng phương pháp chỉnh nha thông thường hoặc bằng phương pháp  chỉnh nha kết hợp phẫu thuật chỉnh hàm rất tiết kiệm thời gian tại Platinum Dental Group.

    About 3 to 5 percent of the population has a lower jaw that is to some degree longer than the upper jaw. This can cause the lower front teeth to protrude ahead of the upper front teeth creating a cross bite. Careful monitoring of jaw growth and tooth development is indicated for these patients.

    If teeth are missing or small, or the dental arch very wide, space between the teeth can occur. The most common complaint from those with excessive space is poor appearance.

    A deep over bite or deep bite occurs when the lower incisor (front) teeth bite too close or into the gum tissue behind the upper front teeth. When a bite of this type persists significant bone damage and discomfort can occur. A deep bite  can also contribute to excessive wear of the incisor.

    An open bite results when the upper and lower incisor teeth do not touch when biting down. This open space between the upper and lower front teeth causes all the chewing pressure and rubbing together of the back teeth makes chewing less efficient and may contribute to significant tooth wear.

    The most common type of a cross bite is when the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth (toward the tongue). Cross bites of both back teeth and front teeth are commonly corrected early due to biting and chewing difficulty.

    Types of Braces


    Malocclusions (“bad bites”) like those illustrated below, may benefit from early diagnosis and referral to an orthodontic specialist for a full valuation.

    In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist:

    • Early or late loss of baby teeth.
    • Difficulty in chewing or biting.
    • Mouth breathing.
    • Jaws that shift or make sound.
    • Speech difficulties.
    • Biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth.
    • Facial imbalance.
    • Grinding or clenching of the teeth.
    Crossbite of front teeth
    Open Bite
    Crossbite of back teeth
    Protruding Teeth
    Deep Bite

    Orthodontic treatment for children (through age 12)

    • Some children as early as 5 or 6 years of age may benefit from an orthodontic evaluation. Although treatment is unusual at this early age, some preventive treatment maybe indicated.
    • By age 7, most children have a mix of baby (primary) and adult (permanent) teeth. Children may experience dental crowding, too much space between teeth, protruding teeth, and extra or missing teeth and sometimes jaw growth problems.
    • Other malocclusions (“bad bites”) are acquired.In other words they develop over time. They can be caused by thumb or finger-sucking, mouth breathing, dental disease, abnormal swallowing, poor dental hygiene, the early or late loss of baby teeth, accidents or poor nutrition.
    • Trauma and other medicine conditions such as birth defects may contribute to orthodontic problems as well. Sometimes an inherited malocclusion is complicated by an  acquired problem. Whatever the cause, the orthodontist is usually able to treat most conditions successfully. Orthodontists are trained to spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
    • The advantage for patients of early detection of orthodontic problem is that some problems maybe easier to correct if they are found and treated early.  Waiting until all the permanent teeth have come in, or until facial growth is nearly complete, may make correction of some problems more difficult. For these reasons, the AAO recommend that all children get a check-up with orthodontist no later than age 7.
    • While your child’s teeth may appear straight to you, there could be a problem that only an orthodontist can detect. Of course, the check-up may reveal that your child’s bite is fine, and that is comforting news. Even if a problem is detected, chances are your orthodontist will take a “wait-and-see” approach, checking your child from time to time as a permanent teeth come in and the jaws and face continue to grow. For each patient who needs treatment, there is an ideal time for it to begin in order to achieve the best results. The orthodontist has the expertise to determine when the treatment is right.
    • The orthodontist’s goal is to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment at the most appropriate time. In some cases your orthodontist might find a problem that can benefit from early treatment. Early treatment may prevent more serious problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age shorter and less complicated. For those patients who have clear indications for early orthodontic intervention, early treatment gives your orthodontist chance to:
      Guide jaw growth.
      ● Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth.
      ● Correct harmful oral habits
      ● Improve appearance and self-esteem.
      ● Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position.
      ● Improve the way lips meet.
    • It’s not always easy for parents to tell if their child has an orthodontic problem. Here are some signs or habits that may indicate the need for an orthodontic examination:
      Early or late loss of baby teeth.
      ● Difficulty in chewing or biting.
      ● Mouth breathing.
      ● Thumb sucking.
      ● Finger sucking.
      ● Crowding, misplaced or blocked out teeth.
      ● Jaws that shift or make sounds.
      ● Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth
      ● Teeth that meet abnormally or not at all.
      ● Jaws and teeth that are out of proportion to the rest of the face.
    • If any of these problem are noted by parents, regardless of age, it is advisable to consult an orthodontist. It is not necessary to wait until age 7 for an orthodontic check-up.

    Most patients begin orthodontic treatment between ages 9-16. Because teenagers are still growing, the teen years are often the best time to correct orthodontic problem and achieve excellent and stable result.

    Most orthodontic problems are inherited. Examples of these genetic problems are crowding, excess spacing between teeth, protruding upper teeth, extra or missing teeth and some jaw growth problems. Other malocclusions are acquired, in other words they develop overtime. They can be caused by thumb-sucking as a child, mouth breathing, dental disease, abnormal swallowing, poor oral hygiene, early loss of baby teeth, accidents, poor nutrition or some medical problems.

    Treatment is important because crooked or crowded teeth are hard to clean, and may contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. A bad bite can also cause abnormal wear of tooth surface, difficulty in chewing and/ or speaking, excess stress on supporting bone and gum tissue, and possible jaw joint problems. Without treatment problems may become worse. Orthodontic treatment to correct a problem may prove less costly than the additional dental care required to treat the problems that can develop in later years.

    Then there’s the emotional side of an unattractive smile. When you are not confident in the way you look, your self-esteem suffers. Teenagers whose malocclusions are left untreated may go through life feeling self-conscious, hiding their smiles with tight lips or a protective hand.

    • Orthodontic treatment for adults is a growing area. It would seem that this interest is expressed by two particular groups of adults.
      • The first group comprises of adults who have not had orthodontics treatment as a child, perhaps through their own reluctance as adolescents or who simply shipped through the net. This group often demonstrates significant molocclusion and requires comprehensive treatment.
      • The second group comprises those adult patients who require complex restorative procedures to control dental disease and/or replace missing teeth. Often this group requires adjunctive orthodontic treatment to enable the restorative procedures to be effectively achieved.
    • Today orthodontic treatment is a viable option for almost adults. It is well recognized that when left untreated, many orthodontic problems may become worse. When you have a malocclusion, your teeth maybe crowded, excessively spaced or may not fit together correctly. Such conditions may lead to dental health problems. Crowded teeth are hard to clean and given time, may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. Bad bites can also result in abnormal wearing of tooth surfaces, difficulty chewing and damage to supporting bone and gum tissue. Poorly aligned teeth can contribute to pain in the jaw joints.
    • You’ll be pleased to learn that orthodontic treatment will fit in with your current life stype – you can sing, play a musical instrument, dine out, kiss, and even have your picture taken. One in five orthodontic patients is an adult.
    • The rate of toothlessness has declined over recent decades. Our great-grandparents, for the most part, loss their teeth arround age 40. Today’s 25 year-old has the potential of another 75 years of keeping and using their teeth. This is a major change in dental health care (and life expectancy). Teeth that do not fit well often wear down more quickly, another reason to make sure that your teeth are in good alignment and well maintained in your adult years.

    Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery(or surgical- orthodontic) , realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work and to improve your appearance. Jaw surgery may be a corrective option if you have moderate to severe jaw problems that can’t be resolved with orthodontics alone.

    At Platinum Dental Group, we now utilize the Surgery-first Approach so that we can maximize the benefits of our patients.

    The surgery – first approach indicates that the jaws surgery precedes the orthodontics treatment. The conventional approach is an orthodontics – first approach in which the orthodontic treatment precedes the jaws surgery. The advantages of the surgery – first approach that Platinum Dental Group deliver to patients are that.

    1. The patient’s chief complaint, dental function, and facial esthetics are achieved and improved in the beginning of treatment.
    2. The entire treatment period is shortened to 1 to 1,5 years or fewer depending on the complexity of orthodontic treatment.

    With surgery first approach, our patients are no longer have to suffer from a time taking conventional jaws surgery approach as well as a transitional period of worse appearance when the patient is waiting for the jaws surgery.

    Frequently asked questions

    Chỉnh Nha Cho Trẻ Em

    Preventive orthodontic treatment is intended to keep a malocclusion (bad bite“ or crooked teeth) from developing in an otherwise normal month. The goal is to provide adequate space for permanent teeth to come in. Treatment may require a space maintainer to hold space for a primary (baby) tooth lost too early,  or removal of primary teeth that do not come out on their own to create room for permanent teeth.

    Interceptive orthodontic treatment is performed for problems that, if left untreated, could lead to the development of more serious dental problems over time. The goal is to reduce the severity of a developing problem and eliminate the cause. The length of later comprehensive orthodontic treatment maybe reduced. Examples of this kind of orthodontic treatment may include correction of thumb- and finger-sucking habits; guiding permanent teeth into desired positions through tooth removal or tooth size adjustment, or gaining or holding space for permanent teeth.

    Interceptive orthodontic treatment can take place when patients have primary teeth or mixed dentition. A patient may require more than one phase of interceptive orthodontic treatment.

    Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is undertaken for problems that involve alignment of the teeth, how the jaws function and how the top and bottom teeth fit together. The goal of comprehensive orthodontic treatment is to correct the identified problem and restore to the occlusion (the bite) to its optimum.

    Treatment can begin while patients have primary teeth, when they have mix of primary and permanent teeth, or when all permanent teeth are in.

    Treatment may consist of one or more phases, depending on the nature of problem being corrected and the goal for treatment.

    Orthodontic care maybe coordinated with other types of dental treatment that may include oral surgery (tooth extractions or jaw surgery), periodontal (gum) care and restorative (fillings, crown, bridges, tooth size enhancement, implants) dental care.

    When finished with comprehensive treatment, the patient must wear retainers to keep their teeth in their new positions.

    Each treatment plan is specific for that child and his/her specific problem. In some cases children mature early (example, get their permanent teeth early) and in some cases early treatment is indicated to prevent a more severe problem from occurring. Your Orthodontist is the best person to decide the optimum treatment plan. If you have questions you should discuss them with your orthodontist.

    Yes, there are appliances available which are nickel free. Please tell your orthodontist if your child has any allergies.

    Two phase treatment simply means that the treatment is carried out in two stages. The first is the interceptive orthodontic phase (see above) and the second is the comprehensive orthodontic treatment phase (see above)

    Good “patient cooperation” means that the patient not only follows the orthodontist’s instructions on wearing appliances as prescribed and tending to oral hygiene and diet, but is also an active partner in orthodontic treatment.

    Successful orthodontic treatment is a “two way street” that requires consistent, cooperative effort by both the orthodontist and patient. To successfully complete the treatment plan, the patients must carefully clean his or her teeth, wear rubber bands, head gear or other appliances as prescribed by the orthodontist, avoid foods that might damage braces and keep appointments scheduled. Damaged appliances can lengthen the treatment. The teeth and jaws can only move toward their desired positions if the patient consistently wears the forces to the teeth, such as rubber bands, as prescribed. Patients who do their part consistently make themselves look good and their orthodontist look smart.

    To keep teeth and gums healthy, regular visits to the family dentist must continue during orthodontic treatment.

    Estimates of treatment time can only be that estimates. Patients grow at different rates and will respond in their own ways to orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist has specific treatment goals in mind, and will usually continue treatment until these goals are achieved. Patient cooperation, however, is the single best predictor of staying on time with treatment. Patients who cooperate by wearing rubber banks, headgear or other needed appliances as directed, while taking care not to damage appliances, will most often lead to on time and excellent treatment results.

    Yes but wearing a protective mouth guard is advised while riding a bike, skating or playing any contact sports, whether organized sports or a neighborhood game. Your orthodontist can recommend a specific nouth guard.

    A process of dentofacial orthodontics (guiding the growth of the face and jaws) with orthodontic appliances maybe used to correct jaw growth problems. The decision about when and which appliances to use for this type of correction is based on each individual patient’s problem. Some of the more common orthopedic appliances include:

    • Headgear: This appliance applies pressure to the upper teeth and upper jaw to guide the direction of upper jaw growth and tooth eruption. The headgear maybe removed by the patient and is usually worn 10 to 12 hours per day.
    • Fixed function appliance: The appliance is usually fixed (glued) to the upper and lower molar teeth and may not be removed by the patient. By holding the lower jaw forward, it reduces the protrusion of the teeth while the patient is growing and helps bring the upper and lower teeth together. The appliance can help correct severe protrusion of the upper teeth.
    • Removable functional appliance: This removable appliance holds the lower jaw forward and guides eruption of the teeth into a more favorable bite while helping the upper and lower jaws to grow in proportion to each other. Patient compliance in wearing this appliance is essential for successful improvement; the appliance can not work unless the patient wears it.
    • Palatal Expansion Appliance: A child’s upper jaw maybe too narrow for the upper teeth to fit properly with the lower teeth (a cross bite). When this occurs, a palatal expansion appliance can be fixed to the upper back teeth. This appliance can markedly expand the width of the upper jaw. For some patients, a wider jaw may prevent the need for extraction of permanent teeth.

    Orthodontic treatment and a child’s growth can complement each other. A common orthodontic problem to treat is protrusion of the upper front teeth. Quite often this problem is due in part to the lower jaw being shorter than the upper jaw. Upper teeth may also be the primary cause of the protrusion if they stick out too far. While the upper and lower jaws are growing, orthodontic appliances can be benificial in reducing these discrepancies. A severe jaw growth discrepancy may require orthodontics and corrective surgery after jaw growth has been completed.

    Removing baby teeth maybe necessary to allow severely crowded permanent teeth to come in at a normal time in a reasonable normal location. If the teeth are severely crowded it maybe that some unerupted permanent teeth (usually the canine) will either remain impacted teeth (teeth that should come in but do not), or come in to a highly undesirable position. To allow severely crowded teeth to move on their own into much more desirable positions, sequential removal of baby teeth and permanent teeth (usually first premolars) can dramatically improve a severe crowding problem. This sequential extraction of teeth, called serial extraction, is typically followed by comprehensive orthodontic  treatment after eruption of permanent as it can on its own.

    After all the permanent teeth have come in, the extraction of selected permanent teeth maybe necessary to correct crowding or to make space for necessary tooth movement to correct bite problems. Proper extraction of teeth during orthodontic treatment should leave the patient with both excellent function and a pleasing look.

    Baby molar teeth also known as primary molar teeth, hold needed space for permanent teeth that will come in later. When a baby molar tooth is lost, an orthodontic device with a fixed wire is usually put between teeth to hold the spce for the permanent tooth.

    Chỉnh Nha Cho Thanh Thiếu Niên

    Most people have some discomfort after braces are first put on or when adjusted during treatment. After the braces are on teeth may become sore and maybe tender to biting for 3-5 days. Patients can usually manage this discomfort well by going on a soft diet. The orthodontist will advise patients and/or their parents what, if any, pain relievers to take. The lips, cheeks and tongue may also become irritated for one to two weeks as they toughen and become accustomed to the surface of the braces. Orthodontic wax can be applied to an offending bracket to help relieve discomfort. Overall orthodontic discomfort is short lived and easily managed.

    Today’s braces are smaller and generally less noticeable than those of the past. Brackets can be metal or clear depending on the patient’s preference. In some cases, brackets maybe bonded behind the teeth (lingual braces). Another option may be the use of a series of plastic tray aligners instead of traditional braces to correct some problems. Your orthodontist will advise which type of orthodontic appliance will best correct your problem.

    Yes, patients with braces must be careful to avoid hard, sticky, chewy and crunchy foods. They must not chew on pens, pencils or finger nails because chewing on hard things can damage braces. Damaged braces will almost always cause treatment to take longer, and will require extra trips to the orthodontist’s office.

    Keeping the teeth and braces clean requires more effort and time, and must be done every day if the teeth and gums are to be healthy during and after orthodontic treatment. Patients who do not keep their teeth clean may require more frequent visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning. The orthodontist and staff will teach patients how to take care for their teeth, gums and braces during treatment. A good reason to keep teeth, gums and braces clean during orthodontic treatment is that clean, healthy teeth move more quickly! This will keep treatment time as short as possible.

    Patients who are active in contact sports, whether in organized programs or just games in the neighbourhood should wear a mouth guard. Talk with your orthodontist about the kind of mouth guard to use while braces are on.

    Although every case is different, generally speaking, patients wear braces from one to three years. Treatment times vary with factors that include the severity of the problem, patient  growth, gum and bone response to tooth moving forces and how well the patient follows the orthodontist’s instructions on dental hygiene, diet and appliance wear (patient cooperation). Patients who brush and floss thoroughly and regularly, avoid hard, sticky, crunchy foods; wear their rubber bands or/and headgear as instructed; and keep their appointments usually finish treatment on time with good results. After the braces are removed, most patients wear a retainer for some time to keep or “retain” the teeth in their new positions. The orthodontist will determine how long the retainer needs to be worn. Most patients remain under the orthodontist’s supervision during the retention phase to ensure that the teeth stay properly aligned.

    After braces are removed, the teeth can shift out of position if they are not stabilized. Retainers are designed to hold teeth in their corrected, ideal positions until the bones and gums adapt to the treatment changes. Wearing retainers exactly as instructed is the best insurance that the treatment improvements last longer. It is normal for teeth to change with increasing age.

    Studies have shown that as people age, their teeth may shift. This variable pattern of gradual shifting, called maturational change, probably slows down after the early 20s, but still continues to a degree throughout the life time for most people. Even children whose teeth developed into ideal alignment and bite without treatment may develop orthodontic problems as adults. The most common maturation change is crowding of the lower incisors (front teeth). Wearing retainers as instructed after orthodontic treatment will stabilize the correction and prevent most of these changes.

    Research  suggest that wisdom teeth do not necessarily cause teeth to shift. In most cases, removal of wisdom teeth is done for general dental heath reasons rather than for orthodontic health. Your orthodontist, in consultation with you can provide guidance regarding removal of wisdom teeth.

    Teeth can develop white spots, called “decalcification”, when an individual’s teeth are susceptible or when oral hygiene has been poor. If plaque is not regularly removed, the patient can develop gum disease. This is why the orthodontist, orthodontic staff, the dentist and dental hygienist stress dental hygiene – for the good of the patient’s dental health (see photos of decalcification and gum disease below).

    Follow the instruction your orthodontists give you with regards to oral hygiene (keeping your teeth and gums clean) and wearing your appliances (examples: elastics, head gear, etc). your cooperation may help speed up your treatment.

    Choose foods that are softer. Right after you get braces or whenever they are adjusted, you may want foods that require little or no chewing such as soup and macaroni and cheese. Cut or tears sandwiches and pizza rather than biting to them.

    Chỉnh Nha Cho Người Lớn

    Yes. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age. Many orthodontic problems can be corrected as easily for adults as for children. Orthodontic force, move the teeth in the same way for both adults and children, but adult treatment may take longer due to the maturity of bone.

    Adults are not growing and may have experienced some breakdown or loss of their teeth and the bone that supports the teeth. Orthodontic treatment may then be only a part of the patient’s overall treatment plan. Close coordination maybe required among the orthodontist, oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist and family dentist to assure that the treatment plan is managed well.

    One of the problems commonly associated with jaw muscle and jaw joint discomfort is bruxing, that is, habitual grinding or clenching of the teeth, particularly at night. Bruxism is a muscle habit pattern that can cause severe wearing of the teeth and over loading and and trauma to the jaw joint structures. Chronically or acutely sore and painful jaw muscles may accompany the bruxing habit. An orthodontist can help diagnose this problem. Your family dentist or orthodontist may place a bite splint or night guard appliance that can protect the orginal pain symptoms. Sometimes structural damage can require joint surgery and/or restoration of damaged teeth. Referral to a TMJ specialist maybe suggested for some of these problems.

    Your dentist is probably recommending orthodontics so that he or she might treat you in the best manner possible to bring you optimal dental health. Many complicated tooth restorations, such as crowns, bridges and implants, can be best accomplished when the remaining teeth are properly aligned and the bite is correct. When permanent teeth are lost, it is common for the remaining teeth to drift, tip or shift. This movement can create poor bite and uneven spacing that can not be restored properly unless the missing teeth are replaced. Tipped teeth usually need to be straightened so they can withstand normal biting pressures in the future.

    It’s never too late! Orthodontic treatment, when indicated, is a positive step – especially for adult who have undured a long-standing problem. Orthodontic treatment can restore good function. And teeth that work better usually look better, too. A healthy, beautiful smile can improve self-esteem, no matter the age.

    Patients are finding that braces are more affordable today than ever. The cost of orthodontic treatment will depend on many factors, including the severity of the problem, its complexity and the length of treatment. Your orthodontist will be glad to discuss the cost with you before treatment begins. Most orthodontists have a variety of convenient playing plans. Often there are combined plans available for parents and children who have treatment at the same time. In addition, many dental insurance plans now include orthodontic benefits. Dollar for dollar, when you consider the lifetime benefits of orthodontics it is truly a great value.

    Pregnancy brings on bodily changes that can affect the month. Soft tissues such as gums become much more susceptible to infection. The possible need for x-rays during the pregnancy is not advised. Discuss with your medical practitioner/physician orthodontist before you start orthodontic treatment.

    This procedure goes by many names: enamel stripping; interproximal reduction; slenderizing; repoximation and selective reduction. The goal is to remove some of the outer tooth surface (enamel) to acquire more space for your teeth. The procedure has been used in orthodontic treatment since 1940s and has been shown to be safe and effective. Some studies among patients who have had this procedure show that it neither makes teeth more susceptible to tooth decay nor does it predispose patients to gum disease.

    Crooked teeth should be evaluated by an orthodontist so that the most appropriate treatment plan can be suggested.

    Dental Care

    Dental Care During Braces Treatment

    We recommend that you use a soft bristled toothbrush with moderate force and a toothpaste that contains flouride. Place the toothbrush at an angle so that you feel the bristles under your gum line and use small circular motions. Completely clean each surface of every tooth in your mouth, including the areas.

    We recommend that you brush at least 3 times per day: after breakfast, after lunch (or as soon as you get home from school), at bed time. Your toothbrush will wear out faster because of your appliances, so be sure to replace it whenever the bristles start to fray.

    Remember that a toothbrush might not reach the areas under the archwire properly. Proper oral hygiene also involves flossing and the use of an interdental toothbrush, an antiseptic mouse rinse and a topical flouride.

    Dental floss is a nylon thread that is used to remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth. Flossing is more difficult when you have braces on your teeth. A floss threader may be needed to get the floss under the archwire. Use a piece of floss about 12 inches long. Use the floss threader to get the floss under the wire. Slide the floss up and down along the tooth surface. When the tooth is clean the floss will “squeak” as you slide it up and down along the tooth surface. Be very careful to not pull with too much force on your archwire.

    Daily floss is essential to your dental health. Often neglected, flossing helps improve the overall health of your teeth and gums.

    Flossing assists in cleaning many of the “hard to reach” spots in your mouth, spots that regular brushing generally misses. By flossing you alleviate much of the plaque build up that often causes gum disease.

    Although flossing is more difficult with braces, it is critical to your orthodontic treatment. Always floss at least twice a day: one after lunch, and once before bedtime. Proper flossing reduces the risk of periodontal disease and tooth decay.

    An interdental toothbrush is another aid you may find useful to keep your teeth, braces and gums clean and healthy. It can be used to clean under orthodontic wires and around braces. Use this device slowly so you do not damage your braces.

    Antiseptic mouth rinse is used in orthodontics to control minor gum inflammation and irritation from orthodontic appliances. It is also used to cleanse canker sores and minor wounds or other irritations of the month and gum such as mouth burns, cheek bites and tooth brush abrasions. Its oxygenating action removes debris allowing natural healing to occur.

    All orthodontic appliances tend to accumulate food particles and plaque just like teeth do. Every time you brush your teeth, brush your removable appliance. Once a day you should soak your appliance in a glass of room temperature tap water with a denture-cleaning tablet. This will help prevent plaque build-up and oral infections and will keep your appliance tasting better.

    Platinum Dental Group


    127 Nguyen Cu Trinh Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh

    Hotline: 096 779 7799